Two days late and a it took a reminder of the fact that I actually got an email two days ago, but yeah, here it is: The big 9-3! Yeah!
The Field - "The little heart it beats so fast"
trying to say something in a
rock 'n' roll mode
On the money:
"(...) Bilingual, Pet Shop Boys deppigaste och mest missförstådda album. Skivan som skiljer agnarna från vetet. Existentiell ångest med latinorytmer."

This is DZR:P. They are now officially the unsigned hype of the year. More soon.
Elefantens korre på Lunds studenthem rapporterar om de inledande festligheterna.
"Bossa-versioner av 'Love will tear us apart'. Lite överklass sådär."
-- <--- "Stockholm Doesn't Belong To Me".