Here's a message from great people doing wonderful things:
"Tune in (but do not drop out) and indulge yourselves in the spirit of Kning Disk. On the 1st of October (Frispel, P3, 21.00-22.00) you can listen to Mattias Nilsson and Dan Fröberg, the creative forces behind Kning Disk, on Swedish National Radio as they offer you one half hour each of their two very individual ways of using the magical medium of radio.
Dan presents a sound collage he made exclusively for the occasion, called "Ni har hört och Ni tror att Ni såg att Ni hörde, fast Ni inte var där".
Mattias talks to music journalist Mats Gustafsson (Broken Face), and together they guides us on an exciting journey to New Zeeland and its underground music, culture and demography."
Listen here.